Welcome to our new website!
The county website is one of the most important ways that we engage with you - our valued property owners, residents, visitors, and businesses. The website's purpose is to provide resources and information about all county services and functions in ways that are easy for you to find what you need. With that in mind, we set out on a mission in 2023 to create a completely new county website that fulfills that purpose. After months of hard work, we hope you find that the new website is a big improvement.
Of course, a completely new website means everything has changed, and the buttons and links you were familiar with on the old website may be renamed and relocated.
The following guide will help you understand the biggest changes from our old website to our new website.
The old home page
The home page on our old site had two main ways for you to try to find content. You could choose from a long list of links on the left side of the home page, or you could choose a department from the Departments menu on the top navigation bar.
One of the problems with this navigation style is that if the information you wanted was not listed on the left side of the home page, and you also weren't sure which department page you should go to, it could be frustrating to find what you need. Not everyone knows all the functions and services that each department provides, so forcing users to pick a department as a starting point is not always helpful.
As you'll see on the new home page, the navigation concepts are more thoughtfully designed and broken down into topics that are much more meaningful for any users who are looking for information.

Drumroll, please!
The new home page
The new top menu options are broken down into topical categories that are meant to be more relevant and meaningful for users.
Living Here - under this menu you will find items that are related to living or owning property here in Beltrami County.
Services - under this menu you will find some of the most common types of services the county provides, as well as an A-Z Services option that is meant to cover every kind of service or topic you might need.
Business & Development - this menu contains items related to doing business or developing properties in the county. Need to get a land use permit or find detailed property records? You'll find that here.
Our Government - here you will find links to things like the County Board of Commissioners, meeting agendas and minutes, other elected officials, ordinances, and contact information for county offices.
Departments - just like on our old website, this menu gives you a direct link to each department's page where you can find contact details and general information about that department. However, this menu is no longer intended to be the primary way of accessing other kinds of information.
Search - use the search tool to enter specific keywords or topics and get relevant results to items within our website.
Quick Links - below the home page banner images you will find quick links to some of the most popular content on the website. The items linked here are based on survey feedback from our users.

Additional home page content
Further down the home page you will find a section where we will feature specific projects, initiatives, or other topics that are of particular significance throughout the year.
Below that section is our new What's Happening section where our public notices, recent news, and county newsletter will be posted. These sections will feature the three newest posts with a link below that to view, search, and filter all posts.

Mobile-friendly design
If you're visiting our website on your phone, you will find that it now has a modern responsive design that makes the website just as easy to navigate on your phone as it is on a laptop or desktop computer. We know many of you have wanted this improvement for a long time, so we're thrilled to finally have it!

Home page

Main menu


Page menu
Let us know what you think!
The new website was designed with you in mind and we'd love to know what you think. If you can't find what you're looking for, let us know how we can do better. Take a moment to look around the website and feel free to send us feedback, because the best way for us to know what to improve is to hear from you.