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Beltrami County

Adult Corrections Center

Mission: To enhance the safety of our citizens through efficient, professional, secure and humane incarceration of criminal offenders 

The Beltrami County Jail, as are all jails in Minnesota, is licensed by the state and regulated by the Minnesota Department of Corrections. The facility is governed by and adheres to state statutes and rules promulgated by the Department of Corrections. The facility is inspected annually to gauge compliance in the areas of; staffing, population density, training, classification, fiscal issues, reporting, policy and procedure, and others. 

The Beltrami County Jail is dedicated to serving the citizens of Beltrami County and its neighboring communities. Our goal is to preserve the basic rights and dignity of those detained by employing trained professional staff to provide the care, structure and discipline to motivate positive lifestyle changes for detainees, while exceeding all standards set forth by law and maximizing the financial and social benefits to the communities we serve. 

Associated fees can be found on page 10 of the County Fee Schedule.

Visiting hours are (daily):

7:30-11:30am, 2:00-5:00pm and 7:00-10:00pm

(First visit can begin at start times - last visit must start on or before end times.)

The public can visit to set up an account to visit off-site through video visitation or send e-mails.

Any individual who abuses this privilege of being able to video conference with family members or loved ones will immediately lose their right to visit over the Turnkey Corrections visitation system. Such abuse can be defined as, but not limited to, improper or malicious use of equipment, any nudity or excessive profanity, failure to respect the requests of the admin monitor, false information and any illegal activity.

Visits will be monitored to enforce the terms and use and ensure appropriate conduct.


  • ID is required for all visitors. Visitors are required to show ID at the request of staff.
  • You must be at least 18 years of age to visit, unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
  • Visitors are permitted to visit only one inmate per day via the lobby kiosk. 
  • Visits are 15 minutes in length.
  • Cameras are not permitted.
  • Disregard or violation of the rules may result in visiting privileges being denied.
  • All persons entering the BCJ are subject to a warrant check and a search for contraband.
  • Any person who is named in an Order for Protection or any other Harassment Order concerning an inmate, either as a petitioner or respondent, will not be permitted to visit that inmate.
  • Any person appearing to be under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicating substance will not be permitted to visit.
  • The BCJ reserves the right to terminate any visit that may constitute a threat to the safety, security, and good order of the facility.
  • The BCJ reserves the right to revoke or refuse admittance to any individual who constitutes a threat to the safety, security, and the good order of the facility.
  • No Attorney or Bondsperson shall be permitted to solicit their services or induce one inmate to solicit business from another inmate.

The Program staff, in conjunction with volunteers, offer activities associated with the areas of Education, Parenting, Treatment, A.A., Chaplaincy Program, and others. Some inmates participate in regular out-patient treatment programs such as sex offender treatment, alcohol treatment, drug treatment, anger management, and more. Program attendance is voluntary and inmates can sign-up to participate in selected programs through the kiosk located in their housing unit. For additional information or to volunteer for a program, please contact Jail Programming staff at: 

218-333-4221 or 218-333-8357 

There are also inmates who are authorized to continue employment via work-release and those who may continue with their education. Complete the Work Release Packet and Questionnaire for court ordered work release and bring them to the Beltrami County Jail.

The Chaplaincy Program of the Beltrami County Jail is established through World Wide Ministries and coordinated by Duane Erickson. It is one of many programs whose successful operation is dependent upon participation of volunteer staff. 

During the week, programs consist of group settings with topics that cover; anger, prejudice, hatred, the dysfunctional family, alcohol, drugs, criminal related problems, suicide, and others. One-on-one counseling is available throughout the week as well. 

There are also libraries within the jail’s program rooms which contain a variety of religious materials and self-help books, available to all inmates. Single and group Bible studies are also available, with Bibles being offered upon request. 

Services are held on Sunday evenings at the jail, with the occupants of each of the jail’s living areas given an opportunity to attend them. Tuesday afternoons the chaplain has a discussion session with the male population. Tuesday evenings has a group discussion with the female population. Wednesday Evenings offer religious studies in a group setting for the male population. Thursday mornings has a bible study with the female population. All of these sessions are conducted by local pastors, representatives from the areas Reservations, and lay persons. 

Beltrami County has an award winning program dedicated to reducing recidivism called the Reset Program that allows a social worker to be present in the Adult Corrections Center. This voluntary program is available for inmates to connect a social worker who provides inmates with resources and support for their successful reintegration into the community.

Many inmates have provided testimony on the impact this program has had after they've been released from custody. The social worker is able to provide support even after they are released from custody. In late 2023, the Reset Program had a 53% success rate. Of the clients served by the Reset Program 62% have been opioid users while 100% have been users of drugs/alcohol. Many clients decide to go to treatment to improve their quality of life after incarceration.

If you would like additional information, contact Reset Program Coordinator by email or phone 218-333-8163.

Beltrami County Inmate Handbook 

Sheriff's Office Jail Policy Manual

Beltrami County Jail - Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) 

The Beltrami County Jail has a zero-tolerance for sexual abuse. The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 is a federal law that seeks to eliminate sexual assaults and sexual misconduct. 

PREA Overview 

The Beltrami County Jail has a zero tolerance policy toward all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment in our facility, under the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) 2003. We will enforce all federal, state, and local laws pertaining to inmate sexual misconduct. All reports will be fully investigated, which includes both allegations of sexual abuse or sexual harassment, by the Beltrami County Jail and the Beltrami County Sheriff's Office Investigative Division.  

Under PREA, we have established uniform methods for prompt reporting and investigation of allegations of sex-related offenses or threats, identification of predators, protection of victims, and prescribing sanctions for substantiated sexual offenses, as well as false allegations. This standard is directed to all sexual acts relating to: inmate to inmate, inmate to staff and staff to inmate. 

Inmates who are currently being sexually assaulted are encouraged to talk to a staff member. This will allow for the quickest response. 

If you suspect that an inmate is the victim of sexual assault/harassment, it can be reported in 1 of the following ways: 

  1. Contact the Beltrami County Jail Administration Office during regular business hours at 218-333-4181 and you will be directed to someone who can take the information.
  2. Call the Beltrami County Jail and request to speak with a Shift Supervisor to make a report at 218-333-4189.
  3. Call for Sexual Assault Services: Support Within Reach 218-444-9524 or 800-708-2727 (24 hour hotline).
  4. Call for sexual assault evidentiary exams: Sanford Bemidji Hospital Emergency Room 218-333-5000.

PREA Audit Report 

The Department of Corrections' 2911 Local Adult Detention Facilities Inspection Report 

Contact Us

Adult Correction Center
626 Minnesota Ave. NW 
Bemidji, MN 56601 

phone: 218-333-4189 
Fax:    218-333-8418 

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