Beltrami County Workforce Impact
Client Focused Services
Diversionary Work Program
The Diversionary Work Program (DWP) s a short-term (up to 4 months) work-focused program which requires immediate participation with employment services. The primary program goal is to provide short-term public assistance benefits and intensive work supports to people and to assist them to find employment. DWP participants work with an Employment Counselor to develop an Employment Plan and receive job search assistance.
Minnesota Family Investment Program
The Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) is Minnesota's welfare reform program for families with children. Workforce Impact works with families to move toward self-sufficiency. We guide participants through the entire process of finding a job and offer personal support. Eligible individuals are referred to Workforce Impact employment services by Beltrami County Income Maintenance Unit.
SNAP Employment & Training
The SNAP Employment & Training Program assists recipients to prepare for employment and to become employed. Participants receive services from an employment services provider such as career counseling, skills and interest assessments, job search assistance, and other support services. You can find out more at the Minnesota Department of Human Services website.
We also offer mock interviews / interview preparation to assist you in your career search. Our staff will also assist with referrals to our many partners and local resources for more assistance when appropriate.

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218-333-8300 Option "2"