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Beltrami County

Elected Officials


JoDee Treat

The Beltrami County Auditor-Treasurer is charged with overseeing the accounting functions and creation of financial statements, calculation and collection of property taxes for all jurisdictions in the county, administering elections, coordinating vital statistics and licensing duties, and managing the county's investments. It is an elected office with four-year election terms that coincide with the terms of the County Attorney and Sheriff. Contact by email or calling 218-333-4175.

Board of

County Commissioners

District 1                        District 4
District 2                        District 5
District 3

County Attorney

David Hanson

The Beltrami County Attorney also serves as chief legal counsel for the Beltrami County Board of Commissioners, the various departments established and maintained by the Board of Commissioners, and to such committees of the Board as appropriate. The office represents the county before the courts of this state, the United States, and other jurisdictions where authorized. The office also appears on behalf of the county before such agencies, commissions, boards, and other organizations before whom the county has business. Contact


Jason Riggs

The Beltrami County Sheriff is responsible for overseeing the operations of the Sheriff's Office. With over 20 years of law enforcement experience, Sheriff Jason Riggs oversees 114 employees. Major functions of the Sheriff's Office include patrolling and enforcing the laws of Minnesota, providing 911 emergency dispatching, court security, boat/water/snowmobile patrol, emergency management, corrections and administrative functions.  Sheriff Riggs can be contacted by email or by calling our dispatch center 218-333-9111.

Local Elected Officials

City/Townships/School Districts

Elected Officials and contact information for Cities, Townships and School Districts

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