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Beltrami County Elections

Voter Eligibility

To vote in Minnesota you must be:

  • A U.S. citizen
  • At least 18 years old on Election Day
  • A resident of Minnesota for at least 20 days
  • Not currently incarcerated for a felony sentence
  • Not under a court order that revokes your right to vote 

Additional information about voter eligibility can be accessed through the Minnesota Secretary of State's website.

Voting Age

You need to be at least 18 years old on Election Day to vote in Minnesota.

  • You can turn 18 on Election Day and vote on Election Day
  • You can turn 18 on Election Day but vote absentee or early

Felony Incarceration

Your criminal record does not affect your right to vote in Minnesota, unless you are currently incarcerated for a felony conviction. You can still vote if:

  • you are in jail, but not for a felony sentence
  • you have been charged with a felony, but haven't been convicted
  • you have been convicted of a felony, but are not incarcerated
  • you have been convicted of a gross misdemeanor or lesser offense
  • you are on work release, parole, or probation

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