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Beltrami County Elections



  • must be eligible to vote in Minnesota
  • must be at least 21 years old
  • must have residency in the district for at least 30 days before Election Day
  • must have not filed for another office at the upcoming Primary or General Election

Visit the Minnesota Secretary of State's website for additional candidate qualifications.

Where to File

  • State and Judicial Offices: File at the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State or at Beltrami County Elections
  • County Offices: File at the Beltrami County Elections office
  • City/Township Offices: File at your city or township hall
  • School District Offices: File at your school district office

Filing Process

Visit the Minnesota Secretary of State's website for information on candidate filing dates and filing fees.

Minnesota requires all candidates for City, County, Township and School District elections to file a campaign finance report. The Secretary of State's website has more information about campaign finance filing.

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