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Beltrami County


The mission of county administration is to implement county board policies and state laws, promote interests with other government agencies and partners, and provide direction to departments to achieve the county's overarching goals. All actions, including ordinances, of the County Board are executed under the direction and supervision of the County Administrator. 

The County Administrator is the Chief Operating Officer for the County and is responsible for the overall administration of the County and its affairs. The County Administrator reports directly to the Beltrami County Board of Commissioners and acts as a liaison between the Board and County Departments. Specifically, the County Administrator implements County Board policies and State laws, promotes interests with other government agencies and partners, and provides direction to Departments to achieve the County's overarching goals. The Administrator is also tasked with development and administration of the County’s Budget and long-range capital investments as well as oversight and coordination of 15 Departments and 8 collective bargaining agreements. All actions, including the implementation of all ordinances, resolutions and orders of the Board and all laws of the State are executed under the direction and supervision of the County Administrator.

A complete Application Form, with supporting documentation, must be received electronically by the Beltrami County Administrator by no later than 4:30 p.m. on February 21, 2025.

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