Beltrami County Recorder's Office
Beltrami County accepts documents for electronic recording. ‘eRecording," enables title companies, lenders, law firms and others to electronically record documents via the internet with the Beltrami County Recorder. All document types can be eRecorded except Plats and Parcel Divisions.
Deeds can be e-recorded using an electronic Certificate of Real Estate Value (eCRV) and an electronic Well Disclosure Certificate (eWell).
when required.
To e-record in Beltrami County documents must be submitted through a “Trusted Submitter”. Trusted submitters currently e-Recording in Beltrami County are:
CSC® eRecording visit the website or call 866-652-0111 or email
Simplifile visit the website or call 800-460-5657
- ePN visit the website or call 888-325-3365
- Indecomm Global Services visit the website or call 877-272-5250